Aangeboden leervormen
Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 (20345-2)
Course Description
This course provides experienced Exchange Server administrators with the knowledge to design and implement an Exchange Server 2016 messaging environment. Students will learn how to design and configure advanced components in an Exchange Server 2016 deployment such as site resiliency, advanced security, compliance, archiving, and discovery solutions. In addition, students will learn about coexistence with other Exchange organizations or Exchange Online, and migration from previous versions of Exchange Server. The course will provide guidelines, best practices, and considerations that will help students optimize their Exchange Server deployment.
At Course Completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
• Plan for Exchange Server deployments
• Plan and deploy Exchange Server 2016 mailbox services
• Plan and deploy message transport
• Plan and deploy client access
• Design and implement high availability
• Maintain Exchange 2016
• Design message security
• Design messaging archiving and retention
• Design messaging compliance
• Design and implement messaging coexistence
• Upgrade to Exchange Server 2016
• Plan a hybrid Exchange Server deployment
Voor wie
This course is intended for IT professionals who are experienced messaging administrators, messaging architects, or consultants. This course is designed for professionals in an enterprise environment who are responsible for designing and deploying Exchange Server 2016 solutions, including environments that contain previous versions of Exchange Server or Exchange Online. Students are expected to have experience with Exchange Server 2016 or previous versions of Exchange Server.
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Course Outline
1 – Planning Exchange Server deployments
2 – Planning and deploying Exchange Server 2016 mailbox services
3 – Planning and deploying message transport
4 – Planning and deploying client access
5 – Designing and implementing high availability
6 – Maintaining Exchange 2016
7 – Designing messaging security
8 – Designing messaging archiving and retention
9 – Designing messaging compliance
10 – Designing and implementing messaging coexistence
11 – Upgrading to Exchange Server 2016
12 – Planning a hybrid Exchange Server deployment
Microsoft examen 70-345
(Let op; Ter voorbereiding op dit examen zijn twee trainingen nodig namelijk nl 20345-1 en 20345-2
Duur training
Klassikaal: 4 dagen
Open leercentrum: 5 dagen
E-Learning: 90 dagen